LEGOs of a boy named Daniel

LEGOs of a boy named Daniel

Sunday, December 29, 2013

7890 - Ambulance

7890: Ambulance
Year: 2006
Pieces: 118
Retail Price: $7.99 
Theme: City (Medical)
This set is a simple one really. 118 pieces is a quick set that holds good value in Legopolis. This was purchased back in Okinawa at the BX for 5 dollars. That BX often had clearances of LEGOs for whatever reason, so I picked up quite a few decent sets there and really that's where my LEGO collecting began again. Of course it was all "for out future kids" but we all knew the reason. Luckily we did have kids, so that excuse still holds.
The set comes in one part really due to it's size. The build itself is an uncomplicated feat and something Daniel had no problems accomplishing on his own. Nothing about it was difficult and he never asked for my assistance.

The set comes with one minifig, a stretcher with oxygen tank, and some sort of electronic monitoring thingy. Really, that device is the only fault to the set as the stretcher fits into the ambulance easily and everything else goes in smooth. The electronic device does not fit in the ambulance smoothly however, and ends up being thrown in just because. This wouldn't be so bad if one could easily figure out what it was, which I couldn't do. You can see the device on the right side of the photo here.
Outside of that, the ambulance serves a crucial role in Legopolis. I do wish LEGO would make an American style of ambulance at some point, but until then and for 8 dollars, it's hard to snub your nose at the ambulance in this set. The stretcher fits snugly into the ambulance so that unless the ambulance tips over, the stretcher will not move.


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