LEGOs of a boy named Daniel

LEGOs of a boy named Daniel

Saturday, February 1, 2014

6865 - Captain America's Avenging Cycle

6865 - Captain America's Avenging Cycle
Year: 2012
Pieces: 72
Retail Price: $12.99 ($12.99 paid)
Theme: Superheroes (Marvel Universe)

This is a small set and really is not a very complicated one at all. This was the only set in 2012 to include Captain America and had it not been the only one, it probably wouldn't have garnered much interest honestly. The set comes in three parts, the glider, missile launcher, and Captain America's bike.

The first part put together is the bike. Honestly, the look of the bike is a bit off. yes, it's nice that the bike is in a magenta color and is therefore unique, but it just feels as if some more styling could have been done to it - something to make to stand out and say "wow". Instead, if put alongside the other Avenger sets, Captain America and the bad guys would probably be used while the bike would probably be pushed off to the side and not seen until it was time to put the LEGOs away. Captain America himself also seems a bit off. Granted, his modeling is based on the comic vs. the Avenger movie but the other Avengers all seen just to be a bit more detailed than him.

The second part of this set is the glider. The glider is put together pretty well but looks like the rest of the gliders in the Avenger sets.  This was probably a design goal so that folks wanting to create an epic battle could buy multiples of this set to get an army of bad guys and weapons.

Lastly is the missile launcher. Again, nothing flashy but if using this set as an army builder, it ends up being quite effective.

This is a short review and I do realize that. There just isn't much to review on this set really. You got some bad guys and Captain America. Daniel had no issues with the construction of this set and, true to the review above, he only uses Captain America and the bad guys, preferring to place Captain America in the  Quinjet. It seems the entire point is to serve as an army builder for those folks wanting to play in a major battle with their Avengers. In that role it serves great. If buying only one of this set for the merit of play, not so much.


  1. It seems odd on Legos part to have a set part of the Avengers lineup that doesn't reflect the bike he rode in the movie, or at very least the movie costume. Here's hoping that the captain America 2 sets do a better job. Also, did you see that Lego Finally authorized a ghost busters set?

    1. I had seen that during the cuscoo release a few says ago. Hopefully its better than the btf one made in the last review and hopefully they include the building too and not just the car. What LEGO site do you frequent to know that?
